Tuesday 12 June 2012

Science-subject or a method?

Science is often considered as a subject such as physics,chemistry, biology, geology etc.But actually it is a method of obtaining sound knowledge about the world.The method consists of well known steps such as observation,hypothesis,experiment,theory,deductions,confirmation not in a strict order.

In some subjects such as astronomy experiment may not be possible.But basically scientific method consists of common sense methods with emphasis on objectivity,verification,falsification and various other checks put in to eliminate normal human biases and prejudices.So scientific results can be counter intuitive and surprising to human brain.

In this blog I propose to write about whatever catches my fancy about science and scientific results.My main source will be popular science books,websites and other blogs.My principle will be that no subject is untouchable to science. So psychology,sociology  are in.Philosophy will be considered as ally of science in gaining truth.

Philosophy complements science.Philosophy can give helping hand to science in exploring borderline subjects and topics. 

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